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Bernedoodle Litter | F2 Medium

Birthday: 5/20/2023


Litter ID: 2023MAP1

Bazooka | Male

Our male bernedoodle puppy, Bazooka, sitting on a pink background
Our male bernedoodle puppy, Bazooka, sitting on a pink background


Maple, a female bernedoodle, sitting on the patio
Maple, a female bernedoodle, sitting on the patio

This litter will be between 45-70 pounds full grown and will have various levels of curliness. All puppies are vet checked, dewormed, and have had their first round of vaccinations.

Our male bernedoodle puppy, Bonz, sitting on a pink background
Our male bernedoodle puppy, Bonz, sitting on a pink background
Our male bernedoodle puppy, Bosco, sitting on a pink background
Our male bernedoodle puppy, Bosco, sitting on a pink background
Our male bernedoodle puppy, Brownie, sitting on a pink background
Our male bernedoodle puppy, Brownie, sitting on a pink background
Our female bernedoodle puppy, Cookie, sitting on a pink background
Our female bernedoodle puppy, Cookie, sitting on a pink background

Bonz | Male

Bosco | Male

Brownie | Male

Cookie | FEMale






Buster, a male bernedoodle, sitting on the wooden floor
Buster, a male bernedoodle, sitting on the wooden floor


